
G.R.I.T.: Guts, Resilience, Initiative and Tenacity

Book cober
Life is full of resistance seeking to sink your dreams. It takes hard work plus a daily dose of G.R.I.T. to overcome this resistance and reach your goals.
Serial entrepreneur, philanthropist and speaker, Scott Petinga, says G.R.I.T. stands for Guts, Resilience, Initiative and Tenacity, the foundational ingredients necessary to get the journey started, keep momentum going, effectively handle hurdles along the way, and stick with the task until the destination is reached.
In his new book, No One Ever Drowned in Sweat: G.R.I.T. – The Stuff of Leaders and Champions Scott breaks down each trait of G.R.I.T. and how to successfully use them to reach goals and achieve success. Besides sharing his own experiences, Scott adds words of wisdom culled from interviews with over 50 notable CEO’s, entrepreneurs, non-profit heads, thought leaders, athletes, everyday heroes, academics and forward thinkers from all walks of life.
Scott Petinga knows about adversity . . . and failure. He flunked out of school, was kicked out of the Marines, has been fired from jobs, went through a divorce and is suffering through one of the greatest tests of all… being diagnosed with cancer. Despite the harsh setbacks, Scott has used G.R.I.T. to get back up after being knocked down and forge ahead towards the fulfillment of his dreams.
No One Ever Drowned is Sweat is for those desiring to start their own business or have already taken the initial steps.  It’s for business leaders attempting to climb up the ladder within a company but find themselves hindered or stuck, sports players seeking to make their mark in the sports world, cancer patients struggling through their difficult journey or an Average Joe or Jane wanting to shake off the shackles of mediocrity and blossom not only in a job but in family life and social circles.