
Apple just put out a big PR campaign about its sustainability initiatives. Has the company made real progress in this regard or is this just more corporate “greenwashing?” And how are the other big tech companies addressing their carbon footprints?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: Apple just put out a big PR campaign about its sustainability initiatives. Has the company made real progress in this regard or is this just more corporate “greenwashing?” And how are the other big tech companies addressing their carbon footprints?      — Billy A., Oakland, CA […]


7 Killer Ways to Get Rid of Weeds

7 Killer Ways to Get Rid of Weeds In an article for, Lisa Kaplan Gordon shares some economical and common sense ways of riding your yard of weeds without using scary poisons and expensive products. She explains that nothing ruins your garden or yard like weeds, those uninvited guests that rob your plants of […]