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Tips for Traveling on a Budget


Tips on Budget Travel:

Travel Light or Carry On
Almost every airline charges for checked bags. Look into airlines that offer the first checked bag free (a few still exist) or bypass checked luggage all together and opt for just your carry on.
Track Your Purchase
Some airlines offer credit or vouchers if the cost of your ticket drops after you’ve purchased. Utilize tracking web sites like or to see if the fare drops below what you paid.
Explore Home Exchanges
Sites like and offer easy ways to find home swap opportunities around the world.
Choose Public Transportation
It may seem easiest to take a taxi from point A to point B, especially in an unfamiliar city, but public transportation is a much cheaper option.
Car Shares
If you only need a car for a few hours, instead of renting a car consider looking into a car share service like Zipcar or Enterprise CarShare.