
‘Yoga & Love’

In “Yoga & Love” author Vishwanath “Vish” Iyer reveals, “It’s an essential scientific system that teaches singles how to ‘live for love’ by establishing a clear conception of a loving relationship with one’s self and thereby unlocking your magnificent heart’s potential.”
Yoga & Love stands on the credibility of Vish’s story as he shares his personal story of how he attracted his wife, Deypika. Vish conveys techniques of yoga breathing, mantra and meditation. The key, according to the author, is cultivating prana, or life force, to help foster a life where being happy becomes a habit.
“With the current divorce rate in America at 50%, this literally means every other married couple is getting divorced. An alarming observation alone.  However I present a broad-stroke solution in my book, ‘Yoga & Love,’ that takes off from where ‘The Secret’ left off.  For example, ‘The Secret’ does not explain the mechanism by which one can consciously activate the law of attraction. But as I illustrate in my book, one can with the richly powerful techniques of yoga.”
For more information on Vish or his book, visit: