
If “cap and trade” has worked so well in Europe for reducing greenhouse gas emissions there, why haven’t we tried something similar here in the U.S.?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: If “cap and trade” has worked so well in Europe for reducing greenhouse gas emissions there, why haven’t we tried something similar here in the U.S.?       — Sandra M., Bern, NC “Cap-and-trade,” whereby big polluters must pay to emit greenhouse gases against a capped […]


How is it that global warming could cause an increase in health problems and disease epidemics?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: How is it that global warming could cause an increase in health problems and disease epidemics? Do we have any evidence that it is already happening?  — Jim Merrill, Provo, UT Global warming isn’t just bad for the environment. There are several ways that it is expected […]


Should those of us who care about our health and the planet be concerned about the new trend in genetic engineering called synthetic biology?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: Should those of us who care about our health and the planet be concerned about the new trend in genetic engineering called synthetic biology? — Chrissie Wilkins, Bern, NC “Synthetic biology” (or “synbio”) refers to the design and fabrication of novel biological parts, devices and systems that […]

Environment Featured

What is being done to preserve private property?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: While working to protect public land from resource extraction and development seems to be the focus of many environmental groups, what is being done to preserve and protect private property—the majority of our land—across the country?   — Jim Friedland, Bath, ME Indeed, private property makes up […]


Pollutants in car interior materials

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: Can you discuss pollutants in car interior materials, and also pollution inside cars originating from gasoline and diesel exhausts outside the car? — Mervyn Kline, Philadelphia, PA The interior of your car may seem like a safe haven from air pollution, but it may actually be quite […]


How can retail stores reduce waste?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: I work for the Gap and know firsthand the amount of waste that’s produced at my store. Can you suggest ways retail stores can reduce waste? And how can I get a conversation started with the people upstairs about recycling and being less wasteful? –– Name withheld, […]


What are the environmental risks associated with beach resorts?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: What are the environmental risks associated with beach resorts?   –– Shine Shoukkathali, via e-mail While they may put up with a lot of stress from wind, waves and weather, beaches and the coastal environments surrounding them are surprisingly fragile. The ecosystems which make up coastal areas […]


Moving away from business as usual

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), appointed by the United Nations, released their fifth climate assessment since its creation in 1988. Key findings include the planet is warming at an accelerated pace, there is a 95 percent certainty humans are causing it, and the past three decades are the hottest on record since 1850 […]


What’s the skinny on essential oils? I love them, but a friend told me they are no good for the environment.

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: What’s the skinny on essential oils? I love them, but a friend told me they are no good for the environment. — Mary M., via e-mail Essential oils are more popular than ever for medicinal and therapeutic purposes as well as in fragrances and flavorings for food […]


What are some steps we can all take to prevent beach erosion?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: What are some steps we can all take to prevent beach erosion? — Kyle Phillips, via e-mail Beach erosion is a huge issue for coastal areas in the U.S. and elsewhere. According to the non-profit American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA), all beaches endure storms and […]