
I thought that putting ethanol in our gas tanks was going help fight climate change, but lately I’ve heard reports to the contrary. Can you enlighten?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: I thought that putting ethanol in our gas tanks was going help fight climate change, but lately I’ve heard reports to the contrary. Can you enlighten?       –– Bill B., Hershey, PA Ethanol and similar “biofuels” made from corn and other crops seem like a […]


August Planting Tips for the Northwest

Along the Coast Replace early summer veggies with fall crops of broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. You can also plant salad fixings, like lettuce, beets, spinach, and radishes. Replace spent annuals with new ones. Give the garden a fresh look by trying something new. Choose larger plants to create a strong show from now until frost. […]

Health and Fitness

Why Quality Carbs are your Friend

Health and nutrition trends go in and out at lightning speed. One recent trend was to completely drop carbohydrates from the old diet. Voila! Then, you would be skinny! Au contraire, it doesn’t work that easily, say the authors of a recent article in the ACE newsletter. You actually should eat some carbs to assist in your […]


7 Killer Ways to Get Rid of Weeds

7 Killer Ways to Get Rid of Weeds In an article for, Lisa Kaplan Gordon shares some economical and common sense ways of riding your yard of weeds without using scary poisons and expensive products. She explains that nothing ruins your garden or yard like weeds, those uninvited guests that rob your plants of […]


Got Gorgeous Garden Goodies? Show Them at the Fair

So, you have been watering and cultivating, mothering and babying your produce all summer. And now you realize you’ve got some blue-ribbon-winners in your garden. Your home-grown  corn, tomatoes or squash are beautiful or; maybe, your perfect cukes have morphed into the best pickles you have ever canned? If so, then it’s time to consider […]


Dungeness Crab & Seafood Festival

Port Angeles–Taste the bounty of the Olympic coast and savor the riches from the region’s sparkling blue waters, magical forests, and organic farms at the 12th Annual Dungeness Crab and Seafood Festival, Friday-Sunday, October 11-13, 2013 in Port Angeles, Wash. “Crabfest is the annual celebration of our region’s diverse bounty, the seafood, agriculture and maritime […]