
What are some of the more dangerous threats to our air quality and what can be done to eliminate them so we can all breathe more easily?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: What are some of the more dangerous threats to our air quality and what can be done to eliminate them so we can all breathe more easily? — Melanie Smith, Pomfret, CT The main threats to local air quality across the United States (as well as most […]


Apple just put out a big PR campaign about its sustainability initiatives. Has the company made real progress in this regard or is this just more corporate “greenwashing?” And how are the other big tech companies addressing their carbon footprints?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: Apple just put out a big PR campaign about its sustainability initiatives. Has the company made real progress in this regard or is this just more corporate “greenwashing?” And how are the other big tech companies addressing their carbon footprints?      — Billy A., Oakland, CA […]

Health and Fitness

More benefits emerging for one type of omega-3 fatty acid:  DHA

By David Stauth CORVALLIS, Ore. – A study of the metabolic effects of omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, concludes that these compounds may have an even wider range of biological impacts than previously considered, and suggests they could be of significant value in the prevention of fatty liver disease. The research, done by scientists at […]


American kids going through early puberty

Dear EarthTalk: Is it true that American kids are going through puberty earlier today than in previous generations, and are there any environmental causes for this?    — Paul Chase, Troy, NY Research indicates that indeed Americans girls and boys are going through puberty earlier than ever, though the reasons are unclear. Many believe our […]


What are ‘ghost factories’

Dear EarthTalk: What are “ghost factories?” — Philip Walker, Hartford, CT In April 2012, USA TODAY published a series entitled “Ghost Factories,” a report on an investigation into lead contaminated soil in hundreds of neighborhoods around the U.S. where lead factories once operated. The investigation addressed the lack of action taken by the U.S. Environmental […]