
We must really be swimming in electronic waste, what with all the iPhones and other devices that are so common. How is this all being dealt with?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: We must really be swimming in electronic waste, what with all the iPhones and other devices that are so common. How is this all being dealt with?      — Mary Shufelt, New Bern, NC With electronic equipment and gadgets the fastest growing waste stream in many countries, how to […]

gas station

What are “dirty fuels” and why are they so called?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: What are “dirty fuels” and why are they so called?— Bill Green, Seattle, WA The term “dirty fuels” refers to fuels derived from tar sands, oil shale or liquid coal. Just like their more conventional fossil fuel counterparts such as petroleum and coal, they can be turned […]