
How is it that some food purveyors are contributing to the destruction of tropical rainforests by ditching unhealthy “trans fats?”

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: How is it that some food purveyors are contributing to the destruction of tropical rainforests by ditching unhealthy “trans fats?” — Billy S., Salem, OR Most public health advocates applaud efforts by processed food producers, restaurants and fast food chains to get rid of so-called “trans fats”—partially […]


Stumbling Through the Sixties

Former professor and neophyte scribe Howard Flomberg’s Stumbling Through the Sixties is a memoir covering the author’s childhood, young adulthood and experiences and involvement in the Civil Rights Movement and serving in Southeast Asia with the Air Force. Living through the best and the worst of life as he ‘stumbled through the sixties,’ Flomberg started […]