
After Harvest Garden Clean-Up Tips

We want to thank Zazel Loven for these tips from an article from The Organic Gardener. She tells us how to prepare your garden for winter.  She says wildlife will find food and shelter, weeds will be easier to control, and plant diseases as well as pests will no longer drive you crazy. Follow Organic Gardening‘s […]


August Planting Tips for the Northwest

Along the Coast Replace early summer veggies with fall crops of broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. You can also plant salad fixings, like lettuce, beets, spinach, and radishes. Replace spent annuals with new ones. Give the garden a fresh look by trying something new. Choose larger plants to create a strong show from now until frost. […]


7 Killer Ways to Get Rid of Weeds

7 Killer Ways to Get Rid of Weeds In an article for, Lisa Kaplan Gordon shares some economical and common sense ways of riding your yard of weeds without using scary poisons and expensive products. She explains that nothing ruins your garden or yard like weeds, those uninvited guests that rob your plants of […]