food jars

U.S. grocery stores slow on “zero waste”

Dear EarthTalk: I’ve heard about “Zero Waste” grocery stores in Europe where everything is sold in bulk and customers bring and fill up their own reusable containers and bags. When will we get some of these here on this “side of the pond”? — Jane Smith, Boston, MA Many mainstream American grocery stores and chains […]


Drain chemicals often toxic

Dear EarthTalk: I’ve heard that the chemicals we use to unclog backed-up drains are harmful to our health and the environment. Can you suggest safer alternative products or methods?– Amy Smith, Rome, NY Chemical drain clog removers do contain some pretty harmful stuff. The three main types available to consumers—caustic, oxidizing and acid—work by using […]


Eco-villages focus on sustainability

Dear EarthTalk: What are so-called “intentional communities”? And are there any in the U.S. that are sustainability-focused? — Elissa McNeal, Washington, DC By definition, an “intentional community” (IC) is a planned residential community built around commonly held values usually foster social cohesion and shared responsibilities and resources. Some such communities are centered around religion, but […]

Environment Featured

Do e-bikes generate less carbon?

Dear EarthTalk: Is there any truth to the assertion that e-bikes recharged off the fossil-fuel grid actually generate fewer carbon emissions overall than conventional human-powered bikes?— Sandy McClave, New York, NY Well, actually, there could be… E-bike pioneer Justin Lemire-Elmore argues that e-bikes are better for the environment, at least if you compare the carbon emissions associated […]

Environment Health and Fitness Uncategorized

zero waste coming to U.S. grocery stores?

Dear EarthTalk: I’ve heard about “Zero Waste” grocery stores in Europe where everything is sold in bulk and customers bring and fill up their own reusable containers and bags. When will we get some of these here on this “side of the pond”? — Jane Smith, Boston, MA Many mainstream American grocery stores and chains […]

man on horse

How are environmentalists and ranchers working together?

  Dear EarthTalk: I know that ranchers and environmentalists have traditionally been at odds, but what are some ways they are working together these days? — Jim H., Boone, IA Ranchers and environmental advocates haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, but the differences between the two aren’t as extreme anymore, as more and more ranchers have come […]


What is the Green New Deal?

Dear EarthTalk: What is the so-called Green New Deal proposed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and is Congress likely to go for it? — Mark Talarico, Brooklyn, NY The concept of a “Green New Deal” (GND), first called for in a 2007 New York Times op-ed by Thomas Friedman, has been in the news lately thanks to a protest […]

green house
Environment Uncategorized

Gifts that grow are all the rage

By Melinda Myers It’s a jungle in there. Every window, surface and brightly lit corner is filled with decorative or edible greenery.  There is no doubt what to gift this person for the holidays. More of the same. A lack of outdoor growing space, limited growing seasons, and time constraints have many people filling their […]

bee on flower

Are pesticides worth it?

You call this a revolution? Spraying fields with synthetic chemicals to keep pests down is no way to take care of the planet and its inhabitants’ health. Credit: Oregon Dep’t of Agriculture, FlickrCC. Dear EarthTalk: Even though pesticides may take an environmental toll, isn’t it worth it given how many more mouths we can feed […]

windmill on grass

Who are the great environmental visionaries?

  Dear EarthTalk: The environmental movement was built on the philosophies of people like Henry David Thoreau, Aldo Leopold and Rachel Carson. But who are the great environmental visionaries of our own day and age?                                                                                   — Betsy Englund, Boston, MA Thoreau, best known for his book “Walden,” taught us how to live a simple life and […]