
Get Ready for the Christmas Bird Count

Dungeness River Audubon Center
Christmas Bird Count Warm up 
Date: Saturday, Dec. 7
Time: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Here’s your chance to knock off the rust and get ready for the CBC (Christmas Bird Count!) as well as learn what citizen science is and why it is important. Meet at RR Bridge Park to cover birds of forests. The group will travel to Dungeness Landing Park at noon to view saltwater birds.
Sequim-Dungeness Christmas Bird Count
Date: Monday, Dec. 16. Time: All day until Dusk
Compilation 5 p.m.
It is time to count the birds! You can help by covering a special route, joining another group, or by just counting your neighborhood or backyard. Contact the River Center (360-681-4076) to sign up for the count. The official tally and chili feed for counters at the River Center will begin at 5 p.m.
Wednesday Bird Walks
Date: Every Wednesday morning
Time: 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Meet at the River Center for a lovely walk to see and hear the birds of the Dungeness riparian forest. Information gathered from these walks helps understanding of the annual cycle of birds in RR Bridge Park. Here’s a link to a map with locations for optimal bird watching.