
What’s the latest on efforts to ban plastic bags? How many U.S. locales have instituted some kind of ban, and have these initiatives made a dent in the amount of plastic litter?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: What’s the latest on efforts to ban plastic bags? How many U.S. locales have instituted some kind of ban, and have these initiatives made a dent in the amount of plastic litter?     — Melinda Clarke, New York, NY California made big news recently when it […]


A friend of mine recently stopped using skin and beauty products with parabens in them. What are parabens and should we all be avoiding them?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: A friend of mine recently stopped using skin and beauty products with parabens in them. What are parabens and should we all be avoiding them? –– Betsy Johnson, Port Chester, NY First commercialized in the 1950s, parabens are a group of synthetic compounds commonly used as preservatives in […]

Health and Fitness Things To Do

Do you know what causes cavities?

By Deb Nalty, MD You might know the basics about good oral health (floss, brush, avoid too much candy), but do you know that cavities are caused by germs?  Or that it is the frequency of snacking, not just the type of snack, that leads to decay? Oral health is an essential part of overall […]


Is it true that much of our food—including cereals and snacks eaten by children—is actually over-fortified with excessive amounts of vitamins and minerals that can be dangerous to our health?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: Is it true that much of our food—including cereals and snacks eaten by children—is actually over-fortified with excessive amounts of vitamins and minerals that can be dangerous to our health?                  — Diane Summerton, Waukesha, WI Added nutrients in the processed foods we […]


Go Natural with Your Yard

Our yards are our outdoor homes: fun, beautiful, great spaces for relaxing. But in taking care of them, we often use water inefficiently, produce a lot of yard waste, and overuse chemicals that are bad for the environment and our families’ health. The good news is, by making some simple changes in how we care […]

Health and Fitness

Why Quality Carbs are your Friend

Health and nutrition trends go in and out at lightning speed. One recent trend was to completely drop carbohydrates from the old diet. Voila! Then, you would be skinny! Au contraire, it doesn’t work that easily, say the authors of a recent article in the ACE newsletter. You actually should eat some carbs to assist in your […]

Health and Fitness

Mud is Good! Ten Easy Ways to Connect Your Family to the Joy of Nature

By Richard Louv on June 24th, 2014 Here is a list of great outdoor activities by Richard Louv, author of “No Child Left Outdoors.” I hope you will consider allowing or instigating your kids or grandkids to enjoy some of these fabulous and freeing outdoor experiences: Short on Vitamin N? Here’s a brief list of […]


What would you consider to be the key areas we need to improve to make our food safer for our health and easier on our environment?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: What would you consider to be the key areas we need to improve to make our food safer for our health and easier on our environment?         — Billy A., Oakland, CA Although we have come a long way in recent years with regard […]

Health and Fitness

No Adult Left Indoors – Head Outdoors for Health, Happiness and Longevity

As a twist on Richard Louv’s book “Last Child in the Woods,” I suggest that it’s just not kids who need to head outdoors. In keeping with an article I read in the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) newsletter, everyone needs to spend more time outside, moving their bodies. Why? Because contact with the natural world […]

Health and Fitness

Simple strategies help manage sleep problems

If you are a “good sleeper,” lucky you! Some of us start thinking too much the minute our weary heads hit the pillow. As a result, we just don’t get enough shut-eye. Because sleep problems greatly affect our health and well-being, let’s look at some typical sleep concerns and a few strategies for racking up […]