Health and Fitness

US Kids Rank Fourth in Fatness

You may have heard and read about the latest “FAT” findings for kids. American kids are NOT  the fattest in the world. An article by Michael Zennie in the Daily Mail spelled out the fat facts: Children in the United Sates are the fourth-fattest in the world, with a rate of 30 percent Greece, Italy, […]


Saving the earth’s oceans

“The Emissary” takes us for a ride and answers the age-old question of how our actions “today” impact the environment “tomorrow.” Three shocking, nearly simultaneous events take place around the world:  People in Los Angeles witness hundreds of birds dropping from the heavens; Beaches in Maine are covered with tens of thousands of dead fish; […]


If “cap and trade” has worked so well in Europe for reducing greenhouse gas emissions there, why haven’t we tried something similar here in the U.S.?

EarthTalk® E – The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: If “cap and trade” has worked so well in Europe for reducing greenhouse gas emissions there, why haven’t we tried something similar here in the U.S.?       — Sandra M., Bern, NC “Cap-and-trade,” whereby big polluters must pay to emit greenhouse gases against a capped […]