Health and Fitness

US Kids Rank Fourth in Fatness

You may have heard and read about the latest “FAT” findings for kids. American kids are NOT  the fattest in the world.
An article by Michael Zennie in the Daily Mail spelled out the fat facts:

  • Children in the United Sates are the fourth-fattest in the world, with a rate of 30 percent
  • Greece, Italy, New Zealand and Slovenia all have higher rates of children being overweight or obese.
  • 30 percent of American kids are overweight.
  • In Greece, 44 percent of boys and 38 percent of girls are overweight

This information is a result of a new report from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. It said about 30 percent of American children age 5 to 17 are overweight or obese, compared with 44 percent of boys and 38 percent of girls in Greece. In Italy, the rate is 36 percent for boys and 34 percent for girls.
The report blames the 2008 global economic crisis for the increase in obesity. It suggests that with less money to spend on groceries families ate more unhealthy foods such as pre-packaged meals and fewer fruits and vegetables.
During the 2008-2009 economic downturn, families in Britain, for example, decreased their food spending by 8.5 percent, which increased their caloric intake by 4.5 percent – adding more sugars and saturated fat to their diets.
So how can Americans kids place lower in the fat rankings? First of all, we hope families are recovering and can spend more on healthier foods. Secondly, let’s all encourage the kids in our lives – children, grandchildren, neighbor kids, students – to get out and play!
Here are the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services 2008 Guidelines for Youth and Exercise:

  • Kids should get moderate to vigorous-intensity exercise for 60-minutes or more each day.
  • Exercise should be: aerobic, age-appropriate muscle and bone strengthening.

Do you think adults should exercise 60 minutes a day, too?