
Metro Transit

201 S Jackson St
Seattle WA 98104 (206) 553-3060
Offers $3 ORCA Regional Reduced Fare Permit for adults age 65+ and for younger adults with disabilities; Bring proof of age for senior card; for ORCA Reduced Fare Disabled Permit, younger disabled adults bring either SSI or Medicare award letter. Annual Verification required; or, may obtain a physician’s form from Metro to be completed by doctor to verify either temporary or permanent disability. If permanent disability verified by doctor’s completion of Metro form, annual verification not required.
Can purchase $27 monthly sticker, purchase $5 up to $300 for E-Purse which can be used to pay fare, or pay 75 cents per ride.
Taxi scrip (for half-price fares on taxis) is available for adults age 65+ and adults with disabilities meeting low income
guidelines. Call 206.684.1578