Health and Fitness Northwest Lifestyles

How to prevent diabetes

book coverCurrent statistics on diabetes are very problematic as they continue to spiral out of control.
As many as 5,225 new cases of diabetes are diagnosed each day according to the American Diabetes Association. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that as many as 79 million adults in the United States are pre-diabetic, a condition that increases the risk of developing type II diabetes.  In addition, the CDC estimates that another 26 million adults in America already have diabetes.  While Native Americans, Asian-
American, African-Americans and Mexican-American are at higher risk for developing the condition due to genetics, adults over 45 years of age are also at risk.
In an effort to stop the spread of this preventable disease author, Dorris Woods, Ph.D., wrote the book, How to Prevent Diabetes – I Beat It and You Can, Too!
Dr. Woods shares her own intensely personal experience of being diagnosed as pre-diabetic, and how she was able to prevent the disease through portion control, weight loss, diet, and exercise.  Dr. Woods also provides a plan of action that readers can follow to reduce their own chances of becoming a diabetic, or bring their diabetes under control.
“Pandemic levels of obesity have triggered epidemic levels of diabetes.  Many serious conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, and amputations are related to diabetes,” says Dr. Woods.  “Millions of people are not aware they have diabetes, or are pre-diabetic.”